457 lines
38 KiB
457 lines
38 KiB
"contents": "Package Control Messages\n========================\n\n\nDebugger\n--------\n\n For setup see https://github.com/daveleroy/sublime_debugger\n \n For a full list of changes see https://github.com/daveleroy/sublime_debugger/commits\n \n Version 0.11.5 - May 25, 2024\n - Renamed `ui_scale` to `font_size` to better reflect what it does\n - Added `internal_width_modifier` to allow adjusting the width of the content if the variables panel is being clipped\n \n \n Version 0.11.3 - May 6, 2024\n - Support for reverse debugging for adapters that support it (@Phaiax)\n - Fixes a compatibility issue with LSP 4070-2.0.1\n \n - gdb: Added a few extra commands for improved reverse debugging support (@Phaiax)\n - python: Changed type to `debugpy` to match vscode and updated to use vscode-python-debugger\n \n \n Version 0.11.2 - April 19, 2024\n - Updated to handle LSP using the 3.8 plugin host (some adapters require LSP)\n \n \n Version 0.11.1 - March 24, 2024\n - Fixes issue with installing adapters\n \n \n Version 0.11.0 - March 23, 2024\n - Added `Debugger: Example Projects` for opening example projects for each adapter\n - Added `internal_font_scale` setting for users who have issues with the font overlapping the ui (#223)\n - Added `always_keep_visible` setting which attempts to always keep the debugger panel open when there is no other output panel\n - The callstack panel now shows the tabs at the bottom like the console\n - Improved the messaging around installing adapters\n - Hide Debugger33 package from PackageControl listings (@narenkarthicktp)\n - Fixes an issue where stepping was targeting the wrong thread\n \n - sublime: initial support for debugging sublime plugins\n \n \n Version 0.10.1 - April 3, 2023\n - Fixes an issue with new versions of vscode-js-debug\n \n \n Version 0.10.0 - April 1, 2023\n - Initial support for viewing and stepping through disassembly (not all adapters support this)\n - Fixes a few issues with how multiple simultaneous debug sessions are hanled\n - All adapters are now packaged on github instead of taking some from openvsx since the openvsx api can be really slow\n - LSP-json schema now issues an error message when an adapter type is not installed\n - A number of minor layout and color tweaks to make the ui fit better with the default adaptive theme\n \n - ruby: Switched to rdbg instead of readapt since that seems like the official dap server\n - go: Support for `env` configuration option and default `cwd` to `${folder}`\n \n \n Version 0.9.3 - Feb 4, 2023\n - Minor improvements to the variables/watch display\n - Show duplicate lines in the console with a counter\n - Show none stderr/stdout output events as blue\n - Fixes an issue with the java adapter (@LDAP)\n \n \n Version 0.9.2 - Jan 19, 2023\n - Fixes issue with Debugger unintentionally stealing command + click\n \n \n Version 0.9.1 - Jan 15, 2023\n - Fixes issue with latest release\n \n \n Version 0.9.0 - Jan 14, 2023\n - Add location information to some error messages such as launch errors which point to the configuration being run\n - Improved validation of configurations\n \n - Generate better html for clickable item to reduce unnecessary html elements\n - Optimize the size of image assets with pngquant\n - Optimize html and css generation\n - Delay resizing the ui until the layout stop changing\n \n - Fixes a few issues with stderr from the adapter not being logged correctly when a transport ends unexpectedly\n - Fixes an issue where the debugger output panel was being forced to be too tall (you may need to delete the cached values in your workspace file)\n - Fixes an issue with setting breakpoints in some adapters\n \n \n Version 0.8.4 - Nov 19, 2022\n - Changed how debugger console panels deal with extra vertical space\n - Integrated terminals tab now appear next to the console tab instead of after the callstack tab\n - Improvements to the protocol logging\n - If the session ends unexpectedly then log anything from the transports stde
"buffer_size": 15239,
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"name": "Package Control Messages",
"read_only": true,
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"message": "\n\nDebugger\n--------\n\n For setup see https://github.com/daveleroy/sublime_debugger\n \n For a full list of changes see https://github.com/daveleroy/sublime_debugger/commits\n \n Version 0.11.5 - May 25, 2024\n - Renamed `ui_scale` to `font_size` to better reflect what it does\n - Added `internal_width_modifier` to allow adjusting the width of the content if the variables panel is being clipped\n \n \n Version 0.11.3 - May 6, 2024\n - Support for reverse debugging for adapters that support it (@Phaiax)\n - Fixes a compatibility issue with LSP 4070-2.0.1\n \n - gdb: Added a few extra commands for improved reverse debugging support (@Phaiax)\n - python: Changed type to `debugpy` to match vscode and updated to use vscode-python-debugger\n \n \n Version 0.11.2 - April 19, 2024\n - Updated to handle LSP using the 3.8 plugin host (some adapters require LSP)\n \n \n Version 0.11.1 - March 24, 2024\n - Fixes issue with installing adapters\n \n \n Version 0.11.0 - March 23, 2024\n - Added `Debugger: Example Projects` for opening example projects for each adapter\n - Added `internal_font_scale` setting for users who have issues with the font overlapping the ui (#223)\n - Added `always_keep_visible` setting which attempts to always keep the debugger panel open when there is no other output panel\n - The callstack panel now shows the tabs at the bottom like the console\n - Improved the messaging around installing adapters\n - Hide Debugger33 package from PackageControl listings (@narenkarthicktp)\n - Fixes an issue where stepping was targeting the wrong thread\n \n - sublime: initial support for debugging sublime plugins\n \n \n Version 0.10.1 - April 3, 2023\n - Fixes an issue with new versions of vscode-js-debug\n \n \n Version 0.10.0 - April 1, 2023\n - Initial support for viewing and stepping through disassembly (not all adapters support this)\n - Fixes a few issues with how multiple simultaneous debug sessions are hanled\n - All adapters are now packaged on github instead of taking some from openvsx since the openvsx api can be really slow\n - LSP-json schema now issues an error message when an adapter type is not installed\n - A number of minor layout and color tweaks to make the ui fit better with the default adaptive theme\n \n - ruby: Switched to rdbg instead of readapt since that seems like the official dap server\n - go: Support for `env` configuration option and default `cwd` to `${folder}`\n \n \n Version 0.9.3 - Feb 4, 2023\n - Minor improvements to the variables/watch display\n - Show duplicate lines in the console with a counter\n - Show none stderr/stdout output events as blue\n - Fixes an issue with the java adapter (@LDAP)\n \n \n Version 0.9.2 - Jan 19, 2023\n - Fixes issue with Debugger unintentionally stealing command + click\n \n \n Version 0.9.1 - Jan 15, 2023\n - Fixes issue with latest release\n \n \n Version 0.9.0 - Jan 14, 2023\n - Add location information to some error messages such as launch errors which point to the configuration being run\n - Improved validation of configurations\n \n - Generate better html for clickable item to reduce unnecessary html elements\n - Optimize the size of image assets with pngquant\n - Optimize html and css generation\n - Delay resizing the ui until the layout stop changing\n \n - Fixes a few issues with stderr from the adapter not being logged correctly when a transport ends unexpectedly\n - Fixes an issue where the debugger output panel was being forced to be too tall (you may need to delete the cached values in your workspace file)\n - Fixes an issue with setting breakpoints in some adapters\n \n \n Version 0.8.4 - Nov 19, 2022\n - Changed how debugger console panels deal with extra vertical space\n - Integrated terminals tab now appear next to the console tab instead of after the callstack tab\n - Improvements to the protocol logging\n - If the session ends unexpectedly then log anything from the transports stderr to the console\n - Add `debugger_configuration
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"Debugger: Install Adapters"
"Package Control: Install Package"
"Preferences: LSP Settings"
"Package Control: Install Package"
"Preferences: Settings"
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"output.LSP Log Panel":
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