351 lines
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351 lines
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package main
import (
openai "github.com/sashabaranov/go-openai"
var commands = []api.CreateCommandData{
Name: "ping",
Description: "ping pong!",
Name: "ask",
Description: "Ask Himbot! Cooldown: 1 Minute.",
Options: []discord.CommandOption{
OptionName: "prompt",
Description: "The prompt to send to Himbot.",
Required: true,
Name: "pic",
Description: "Generate an image using Stable Diffusion! Cooldown: 1 Minute.",
Options: []discord.CommandOption{
OptionName: "prompt",
Description: "The prompt for the image generation.",
Required: true,
Name: "hdpic",
Description: "Generate an image using DALL·E 3! Cooldown: 10 Minutes.",
Options: []discord.CommandOption{
OptionName: "prompt",
Description: "The prompt for the image generation.",
Required: true,
Name: "hs",
Description: "This command was your nickname in highschool!",
Options: []discord.CommandOption{
OptionName: "nickname",
Description: "Your nickname in highschool.",
Required: true,
func main() {
token := os.Getenv("DISCORD_TOKEN")
if token == "" {
log.Fatalln("No $DISCORD_TOKEN given.")
h := newHandler(state.New("Bot " + token))
h.s.AddHandler(func(*gateway.ReadyEvent) {
me, _ := h.s.Me()
log.Println("connected to the gateway as", me.Tag())
if err := cmdroute.OverwriteCommands(h.s, commands); err != nil {
log.Fatalln("cannot update commands:", err)
ctx, cancel := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt)
defer cancel()
if err := h.s.Connect(ctx); err != nil {
log.Fatalln("cannot connect:", err)
type handler struct {
s *state.State
func newHandler(s *state.State) *handler {
h := &handler{s: s}
h.Router = cmdroute.NewRouter()
// Automatically defer handles if they're slow.
h.Use(cmdroute.Deferrable(s, cmdroute.DeferOpts{}))
h.AddFunc("ping", h.cmdPing)
h.AddFunc("ask", h.cmdAsk)
h.AddFunc("pic", h.cmdPic)
h.AddFunc("hdpic", h.cmdHDPic)
h.AddFunc("hs", h.cmdHS)
return h
func (h *handler) cmdPing(ctx context.Context, data cmdroute.CommandData) *api.InteractionResponseData {
// Command Logic
return &api.InteractionResponseData{
Content: option.NewNullableString("Pong!"),
func (h *handler) cmdAsk(ctx context.Context, data cmdroute.CommandData) *api.InteractionResponseData {
// Cooldown Logic
allowed := lib.CooldownHandler(*data.Event, "ask", time.Minute)
if !allowed {
return errorResponse(errors.New("please wait for the cooldown"))
// Command Logic
var options struct {
Prompt string `discord:"prompt"`
if err := data.Options.Unmarshal(&options); err != nil {
return errorResponse(err)
client := openai.NewClient(os.Getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"))
resp, err := client.CreateChatCompletion(
Model: openai.GPT4TurboPreview,
Messages: []openai.ChatCompletionMessage{
Role: openai.ChatMessageRoleUser,
Content: options.Prompt,
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("ChatCompletion error: %v\n", err)
return &api.InteractionResponseData{
Content: option.NewNullableString("ChatCompletion Error!"),
AllowedMentions: &api.AllowedMentions{}, // don't mention anyone
respString := resp.Choices[0].Message.Content
if len(respString) > 1800 {
textFile := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(respString))
file := sendpart.File{
Name: "himbot_response.txt",
Reader: textFile,
return &api.InteractionResponseData{
Content: option.NewNullableString("Prompt: " + options.Prompt + "\n" + "Response:\n"),
AllowedMentions: &api.AllowedMentions{}, // don't mention anyone
Files: []sendpart.File{file},
return &api.InteractionResponseData{
Content: option.NewNullableString("Prompt: " + options.Prompt + "\n" + "Response: " + respString),
AllowedMentions: &api.AllowedMentions{}, // don't mention anyone
func (h *handler) cmdPic(ctx context.Context, data cmdroute.CommandData) *api.InteractionResponseData {
// Cooldown Logic
allowed := lib.CooldownHandler(*data.Event, "pic", time.Minute)
if !allowed {
return errorResponse(errors.New("please wait for the cooldown"))
// Command Logic
var options struct {
Prompt string `discord:"prompt"`
if err := data.Options.Unmarshal(&options); err != nil {
return errorResponse(err)
client, clientError := replicate.NewClient(replicate.WithTokenFromEnv())
if clientError != nil {
return errorResponse(clientError)
if err := data.Options.Unmarshal(&options); err != nil {
return errorResponse(err)
input := replicate.PredictionInput{
"prompt": options.Prompt,
webhook := replicate.Webhook{
URL: "https://example.com/webhook",
Events: []replicate.WebhookEventType{"start", "completed"},
prediction, predictionError := client.Run(context.Background(), "stability-ai/sdxl:39ed52f2a78e934b3ba6e2a89f5b1c712de7dfea535525255b1aa35c5565e08b", input, &webhook)
if predictionError != nil {
return errorResponse(predictionError)
test, ok := prediction.([]interface{})
if !ok {
return errorResponse(errors.New("prediction is not []interface{}"))
imgUrl, ok := test[0].(string)
if !ok {
return errorResponse(errors.New("prediction.Output[0] is not a string"))
imageRes, imageGetErr := http.Get(imgUrl)
if imageGetErr != nil {
return errorResponse(imageGetErr)
defer imageRes.Body.Close()
imageBytes, imgReadErr := io.ReadAll(imageRes.Body)
if imgReadErr != nil {
return errorResponse(imgReadErr)
imageFile := bytes.NewBuffer(imageBytes)
file := sendpart.File{
Name: "himbot_response.png",
Reader: imageFile,
return &api.InteractionResponseData{
Content: option.NewNullableString("Prompt: " + options.Prompt),
Files: []sendpart.File{file},
func (h *handler) cmdHDPic(ctx context.Context, data cmdroute.CommandData) *api.InteractionResponseData {
// Cooldown Logic
allowed := lib.CooldownHandler(*data.Event, "hdPic", time.Minute*10)
if !allowed {
return errorResponse(errors.New("please wait for the cooldown"))
// Command Logic
var options struct {
Prompt string `discord:"prompt"`
if err := data.Options.Unmarshal(&options); err != nil {
return errorResponse(err)
client := openai.NewClient(os.Getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"))
// Send the generation request to DALL·E 3
resp, err := client.CreateImage(context.Background(), openai.ImageRequest{
Prompt: options.Prompt,
Model: "dall-e-3",
Size: "1024x1024",
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Image creation error: %v\n", err)
return errorResponse(fmt.Errorf("failed to generate image"))
imageRes, err := http.Get(resp.Data[0].URL)
if err != nil {
return errorResponse(err)
defer imageRes.Body.Close()
imageBytes, err := io.ReadAll(imageRes.Body)
if err != nil {
return errorResponse(err)
imageFile := bytes.NewBuffer(imageBytes)
file := sendpart.File{
Name: "himbot_response.png",
Reader: imageFile,
return &api.InteractionResponseData{
Content: option.NewNullableString("Prompt: " + options.Prompt),
Files: []sendpart.File{file},
func (h *handler) cmdHS(ctx context.Context, data cmdroute.CommandData) *api.InteractionResponseData {
var options struct {
Arg string `discord:"nickname"`
if err := data.Options.Unmarshal(&options); err != nil {
return errorResponse(err)
user := lib.GetUserObject(*data.Event)
return &api.InteractionResponseData{
Content: option.NewNullableString(options.Arg + " was " + user.DisplayName() + "'s nickname in highschool!"),
func errorResponse(err error) *api.InteractionResponseData {
return &api.InteractionResponseData{
Content: option.NewNullableString("**Error:** " + err.Error()),
Flags: discord.EphemeralMessage,
AllowedMentions: &api.AllowedMentions{ /* none */ },