version: "3.3" x-environment: &environment environment: WEBAPP_URL: ${WEBAPP_URL} NEXTAUTH_URL: ${WEBAPP_URL} # PostgreSQL DB for Formbricks to connect to DATABASE_URL: "postgresql://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/formbricks?schema=public" # NextJS Auth # @see: # You can use: `openssl rand -hex 32` to generate one NEXTAUTH_SECRET: ${NEXTAUTH_SECRET} # Encryption Key is used for 2FA & Single use URLs for Link Surveys # You can use: $(openssl rand -hex 32) to generate one ENCRYPTION_KEY: ${ENCRYPTION_KEY} # API Secret for running cron jobs. # You can use: $(openssl rand -hex 32) to generate a secure one CRON_SECRET: ${CRON_SECRET} # Email Configuration MAIL_FROM: ${MAIL_FROM} SMTP_HOST: ${SMTP_HOST} SMTP_PORT: ${SMTP_PORT} SMTP_USER: ${SMTP_USER} SMTP_PASSWORD: ${SMTP_PASSWORD} SMTP_SECURE_ENABLED: 1 # Set the below to 0 to enable Email Verification for new signups (will required Email Configuration) EMAIL_VERIFICATION_DISABLED: 1 # Set the below to 0 to enable Password Reset (will required Email Configuration) PASSWORD_RESET_DISABLED: 1 services: postgres: restart: always image: postgres:15-alpine volumes: - postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data environment: # Postgres DB Super User Password # Replace the below with your own secure password & Make sure the password matches the password field in DATABASE_URL above - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres formbricks: restart: always image: depends_on: - postgres ports: - 3333:3000 volumes: - uploads:/home/nextjs/apps/web/uploads/ <<: *environment volumes: postgres: driver: local uploads: # Example dotend env # WEBAPP_URL= # NEXTAUTH_URL= # DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/formbricks?schema=public # NEXTAUTH_SECRET=secret # ENCRYPTION_KEY=secret # CRON_SECRET=secret # # # SMTP_PORT=587 # # SMTP_PASSWORD=password