package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "loadr/lib" "os" ) var version string = "1.0.2" func parseCommandLine() (float64, int, string, string, string, string) { requestsPerSecond := flag.Float64("rate", 10, "Number of requests per second") maxRequests := flag.Int("max", 50, "Maximum number of requests to send (0 for unlimited)") url := flag.String("url", "", "The URL to make requests to") requestType := flag.String("type", "GET", "Type of HTTP request (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.)") jsonFilePath := flag.String("json", "", "Path to the JSON file with request data") bearerToken := flag.String("token", "", "Bearer token for authorization") versionFlag := flag.Bool("version", false, "Print the version and exit") versionFlagShort := flag.Bool("v", false, "Print the version and exit") // Parse the command-line flags. flag.Parse() // If the version flag is present, print the version number and exit. if *versionFlag || *versionFlagShort { fmt.Println("Version:", version) os.Exit(0) } return *requestsPerSecond, *maxRequests, *url, *requestType, *jsonFilePath, *bearerToken } // readJSONFile reads the contents of the JSON file at the given path and returns the bytes. func readJSONFile(filePath string) ([]byte, error) { if filePath == "" { return nil, nil } return os.ReadFile(filePath) } func main() { // Parse the command-line flags. requestsPerSecond, maxRequests, url, requestType, jsonFilePath, bearerToken := parseCommandLine() // Ensure maxRequests is greater than 0. if maxRequests <= 0 { fmt.Println("Error: max must be an integer greater than 0") return } // Read the JSON file if the path is provided. jsonData, err := readJSONFile(jsonFilePath) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error reading JSON file:", err) return } lib.SendRequests(url, bearerToken, requestType, jsonData, maxRequests, requestsPerSecond) }