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Welcome to GOTH Stack! An introduction to markdown formatting in GOTH Stack! April 20 2069

Welcome to GOTH Stack!

This is a demo post showcasing various Markdown features supported by this template.

Text Formatting

You can write text in bold, italic, or both. You can also use strikethrough and inline code.


GOTH Stack Logo


Unordered List

  • First item
  • Second item
    • Nested item
    • Another nested item
  • Third item

Ordered List

  1. First step
  2. Second step
    1. Nested step
    2. Another nested step
  3. Third step

Code Blocks

Inline Code

Use go run main.go to start the server.

Code Block with Syntax Highlighting

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, GOTH Stack!")


This is a blockquote

It can span multiple lines

And can be nested


Feature Description
Go Backend server
HTMX Frontend interactivity
Tailwind Styling

Task Lists

  • Create project structure
  • Add basic documentation
  • Write more examples
  • Add testing

Horizontal Rule

Extended Features

Collapsible Section

Click to expand

This content is hidden by default but can be revealed by clicking.

Custom HTML (if enabled)

This is a custom styled alert using Tailwind/DaisyUI classes

Getting Help

If you have questions or need assistance:

  1. Visit our GitHub repository
  2. Contact us at help@goth.stack

This is a demo post showing the Markdown capabilities of GOTH Stack. Feel free to use it as a reference for your own content.